Highly Focused & Dedicated

Placement Assistance

UXMENTA offers industry relevant courses in Animation, VFX, Video Editing, Gaming, Web Design &  Development, Graphic Design, UI-UX Design, SEO & Digital Marketing, Photography and more. UXMENTA helps you prepare for global careers in this new age of media & entertainment industry.

To make you a job ready creative professional, UXMENTA helps you with the industry-relevant skills, and give you industry exposure through formal and informal events, showcase your skills in various platforms, ensure your job-readiness with Employability Enhancement Program, and help you with interview preparations.

At UXMENTA we take every effort to ensure that a student’s career take off on a great note. Our students are capable and confident of handling the demands of the industry. They are a part of leading studios design firms, world-wide media & entertainment houses and the corporate world.