Welcome to UXMENTA, India’s most trusted and valuable institute for 2D / 3D Animation, Visual Effects (VFX), Video Editing, Sound Editing, Photography, Graphic Design, Digital Illustration, Print & Publishing, UI/UX Design, Web Design, Game Design, Game Development, Full-Stack Web Development, SEO and Digital Marketing Courses. At UXMENTA, we are offering a wide range of Multimedia & Computer Courses including – Degree Courses, Diploma Courses and various Short Term Certificate Courses in 2D / 3D Animation, Visual Effects (VFX), Video Editing, Sound Editing, Photography, Graphic Design, Digital Illustration, Print & Publishing, UI/UX Design, Web Design, Game Design, Game Development, Full-Stack Web Development, SEO, Digital Marketing and Computer Programming Languages (including C, C++, Java, Dot Net, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node, React-JS, JQuery, Angular-JS, WordPress and Laravel).

UXMENTA is working for students from a long in order to build the Artistic Students. We are offering a unique training experience that is very personal, communal, and 100% practical based. We are ranked among the premier and best Multimedia & Computer Training Institutes in India. With a strong emphasis on digitalization of the basic art forms, our curriculum is custom-designed to equip students with the necessary design and best management skills that could be utilized in the emerging industry.

At UXMENTA, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your animation goals. Whether you’re looking to start a new career, enhance your skills, or transform your business, we have the best Multimedia and Computer Courses for you. So join us today and become a part of the UXMENTA community, where creativity, innovation, and passion come together to shape the future of the industry.

2D and 3D Animation Courses


At a Glance

Learn From Experts

Join us and learn from well known industry experts.

100% Job Assistance

We are highly committed to provide 100% job assistance.

70+ Lakh Jobs Available

Reports Show More Than 65 Lakh Jobs in the Industry.

100% Practical Training

We highly believe in 100% practical training.

Jobs & Future


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Jobs in the Industry

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Placement Assistance

0 %

Practical Training


VFX Courses